Let Go and Just Be

The Universe DOES Have a Plan for You and You Can’t Mess it Up!

Once you have the belief, it’s quite a relief …

Mari Gaines
3 min readMay 7, 2020


As a human who has had her ego at the helm for a very long time, the idea that I don’t need to be consumed with my desires and something greater than myself has already orchestrated an even better future is quite comforting — and exciting really.

I am listening to a free online summit hosted by Hay House called You Can Heal Your Life.

This morning I listened to a teaching by Matt Kahn. Matt is a spiritual teacher and empathic healer. His topic was about the universe having a plan for each of us.

His delivery was very sincere and he obviously believes what he shared.

I got kind of mesmerized by his presentation — which was interactive and a lot like a meditation with affirmations.

I really liked what Matt was saying about transcending the Law of Attraction by surrendering to the universe’s plan instead of chasing our own desires. What the universe has planned for us is far greater than what our senses can ever imagine and there is nothing we can do to mess it up. The universe will deliver even if we are NOT a vibrational match for the good that is coming. That got my attention.

I have been quite frustrated at times with the idea that I will not be able to attract what I want if I’m resisting it. And if I’m focusing on not having what I want (which tends to happen when it’s not showing up), then I am in lack which will only bring me more of what I don’t want.

Ugh! It seems like the harder I try the more frustrated I get which equals greater resistance and less of what I want.

Matt says we have only to become conscious of the truth about the universe and then let go of our desires.

We don’t need to struggle, push or force. We can have our egos stand down, relax and just know. We can actually do less and expect more!

How wonderfully freeing it is to hear that we don’t have to figure it all out and then work super hard to make it happen.

Who wouldn’t like to work less hard and live with a greater expectation of beyond our wildest dreams?

According to Matt that is exactly what we should do because the universe does have a plan for us and if we’ll just trust that what is in store is going to be amazing it will all unfold for us perfectly.

Matt’s message really resonates with me because I want very much to instill the belief the universe is friendly (as I’ve written before) and there is not some hard to attain standard that I have to meet before I can achieve the feelings of my desires fulfilled.

Thank you Matt for an enlightening and inspiring insight that lifts the weight from our shoulders and makes us feel like we’re all worthy and deserving of an incredible predestined life experience. I’m absolutely ready to let the universe show me the way.

Breathe. Relax. Believe. Enjoy!



Mari Gaines

Mari Gaines is a freelance legal content creator & marketer. She loves living life her own way and helping the legal community produce better legal content.