We Believe What We Say To Ourselves.

A reminder to make that conversation work for us.

Mari Gaines
Live Your Life On Purpose


Be Your Champion!

If we want to achieve it then we have to believe we can.

If we just sit around all day listening to the crap in our head that only has negative, discouraging things to say to us, then guess what?

The chance of us really killing it at what we would like to accomplish is going to be long delayed and very likely never going to happen.

Many of us, myself included, get triggered when we think about the thing we would so like to accomplish and we start to play that all too familiar script in our heads that creates so much doubt and often paralyzes us from taking action.

If we don’t soon realize what is going on and we let those words keep repeating over and over unchallenged, we get caught in the negative loop that is so hard to stop once it gets going.

But we must stop it. That’s the thing.

We have to recognize it for what it is and then use our conscious mind to override the program and drown it out.

That’s why I thought this idea I came across the other day was so good to help remind us what is going on and what we need to do to counter it.

I got the idea from an article written by Matt Mayberry for Entrepreneur. The article has to do with ways to build greater belief in yourself.

Matt suggests for just one week,

“Try talking to yourself like a champion instead of listening to yourself as a victim.”

It really points out that we have the ability to create a dialogue between two voices. There’s the negative one that always appears and is telling us we can’t do it or we’re not good enough and there’s the other one that we have the power to make work for us.

Often times we are just passive recipients of our thoughts. We just take what comes without questioning its validity or trying to take control of the messaging we are giving ourselves. If what we hear is negative, we just accept it. We just listen.

Dr. Joe Dispenza says that we run on a subconscious program 95% of the time. We think 60–70 thousand thoughts each day — 90% of which are pretty much the same thoughts as the previous day.

If the thoughts we listen to are negative and we just keep allowing them to wash over us again and again, we continue to reinforce negative beliefs about ourselves. We are our own victim.

That does nothing to promote or encourage us to establish greater belief in ourselves. And we stay stuck in self-doubt.

If we want to bolster our belief in ourselves — because we really need us on our side — then we need to grab the reins from our unconscious thinking patterns and take charge of the conversation in our heads.

“Try talking to yourself like a champion instead of listening to yourself as a victim.”

This is powerful because it demands that we recognize our minds are just playing an old, familiar tape and we do have the ability to stop listening, interrupt the monologue, and stand up for ourselves! To be our champion!

“Try talking to yourself like a champion instead of listening to yourself as a victim.”

That is exactly what we need to make an effort to do. It’s really up to us to empower ourselves. What we believe about ourselves determines what we can achieve on our behalf. If we’re not actively challenging beliefs that don’t help us, we’re not going to create new beliefs that support and encourage us.

So don’t just listen to that old, negative story when it starts to play. Be your champion and start talking to yourself like you are going for the gold!



Mari Gaines
Live Your Life On Purpose

Mari Gaines is a freelance legal content creator & marketer. She loves living life her own way and helping the legal community produce better legal content.